Proposal & Project Management Support

EWCS has a broad range of experience in providing support to Canadian and international Defence companies involved with Requests for Proposal (RFP) processes. EWCS has provided support to the following RFPs:
The Interdepartmental Maritime Integrated Command, Control and Communication System (IMIC3);
The CC130 Avionics Upgrade;
The Long-Term Accommodation Project (LTAP);
Canada’s North Warning System;
5 Wing Goose Bay;
The RCAF Fixed Wing Search and Rescue (FWSAR);
AJISS (Arctic Offshore In-Service Support);
The Canadian Surface Combatant;
Cyber Security; and
other related C4ISR and Naval proposals.

Proposal & Project Management Support

Taught by some of the best Proposal Managers, EWCS integrates its resources to support your goals and offers services related to:
Overall Proposal Coordination;
Red Team Coordination;
Access to a team of resources;
Document Editing Management (SharePoint or Egnyte);
Requirements mapping/matrices;  
Production Management, which includes artwork, binder layout, Tab structure and packaging; and
Unflagging professional 24/7 printing resources to get your winning proposal to your customer on time and before your deadline!

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